Novator Solutions develops user friendly measurement systems
that can measure any type of physical behaviour.



Novator Solutions develops user friendly measurement systems that can measure any type of physical behaviour.


Novator Solutions are experts in developing measurement systems. We have delivered systems to all different industries for more than 10 years. Our systems are build from commercially availbale components, but are customized for each individual application.

They are used in internal development projects, but also as parts of some customers end products. Measurement systems developed by us are used for measuring in anything from electrical and mechanical machinery, to environmental phenomenon like water levels and weather conditions.

We program in LabVIEW and typically use modular measurement equipment from National Instruments to be able to offer cost efficient and flexible solutions of the highest quality. We are used to integrate both equipment from other vendors, or custom made equipment developed in-house by our customers though. Always with the motto that a good measurement system should only be a help, and never create an obstacle.

We encourage you to check out our references for some of our larger implementation, but do not hesitate to contact us, also for smaller assignements.

Common problems with measurement systems:


“The measurmenet system is difficult to use.”

Many measurement systems are built by the same person that will later use it. The problem is that measurement systems tend to be of use longer than first anticipated. We are used to making systems that others will use. We are thus forced from the start to make user friendly and intuitive user interfaces. But there is of course a difference between what a colleague, a trained operator and the random person on the street can be expected to handle, and thus how much investment should be put into optimizing user-friendliness. We can help you decide on the appropiate level.


“The measurements are fine, but the reports are hard to interpret and demand a lot of post-work.”

A measurement system rarely has a value in itself, it is the data it generates that are valuable. Or the insights the data can provide. If you have a desired format for the output data, we program the system to output according to this format. If you do not have any preferences, we are happy to give advice on best-practices to handle your data. Both to get insights quickly, and to be able to go back and use old measurement data many years later.


“The configuration of the measurement system takes more time than the measurement itself.”

We can program your system to automatically gather configuration parameters. For example from a database, or from previous runs. This both saves time, and makes your measurements more reliable.


“We need help with the development, but cannot relinquish control to an external company.”

You can choose yourself what extent of involvement you want in the development of the system. If you have experience, or plan to educate yourselfs, in LabVIEW development, we are happy to continually discuss the architecture and development details with you. We strive to have strong and long-lasting relations with our customer, and ensure that they always have the option to take over development and maintenance of their systems. It is never easy to do difficult things, but LabVIEW is one of the programming languages with the shortest learning times, especially when working with a good architecture. There are also standardized courses offered both online and in classrooms. So even if you let us do the initial development, you can always choose to take full control of the continued development and maintenance.


“A new measurement system would be great, but we will never get the budget to develop it.”

A poor measurement system steals worktime from its users. It also introduces a risk of wrongful usage, which in turn can lead to measurements that need to be remade. This is also a great cost. The lifetime costs for operating and maintaining a measurmenr system are typically far greater than developement and component cost. We are happy to help you build and evaluate a business case for or against investing in a new system.


Contact us to discuss how your measurement system could become a tool, and not an obstacle.



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pellentesque. Scelerisque felis imperdiet
proin fermentum leo. Ultricies lacus sed turpis
tincidunt id.


Do you need help with a measurement system? Do not hesitate to contact us by phone, email or by filling in the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.

+46 766 122 600