Test Systems
for Mechanical Properties
Elevate the quality of your products at every stage of development and production through our test systems for mechanical properties. From meticulous defect detection to comprehensive data analysis, we ensure your products meet and exceed performance standards.
Novator Solutions craft test systems for mechanical properties tailored to each stage of product development, ensuring top-quality standards. Our rigorous testing procedures detect defects early, guaranteeing exceptional user experiences. Through our automated systems, we conduct various tests, providing crucial data for material selection and product optimisation.
Understanding Test Systems
for Mechanical Properties
Test systems for mechanical properties are designed to evaluate materials or components through various testing procedures. These systems are crucial in material assessment, manufacturing, and research, facilitating characterisation and quality assessment of various materials such as metals, plastics, composites, and ceramics.
The Key Components in Testing Mechanical Properties
Automated test systems for mechanical properties typically consist of several key components. A test fixture holds the test object in place, sensors measure variables of interest, instruments read sensor data, and software automates the test by controlling parameters and analysing measurement results. Test procedures often involve applying controlled forces to the test object, strains, or other mechanical stresses.
Types of Test Systems for Mechanical Properties
There are many types of tests that can be performed in mechanical testing systems. Some common tests include:
- tensile testing
- compression testing
- bending testing
- fatigue testing
- impact testing
All of the tests above evaluate mechanical properties such as strength, stiffness, elasticity, ductility, toughness, and fatigue resistance.
Utilising Data from Automated Testing of Mechanical Properties
The data collected by automated testing systems for mechanical properties is crucial for optimising material selection, designing components tailored to specific applications, ensuring product quality and reliability, and troubleshooting performance issues. Accurate data analysis enables informed decision-making throughout the entire process.
The automated programs place great emphasis on long operating cycles and accurate measurement intervals to ensure that tests are performed correctly between runs. Operating cycles can vary from minutes to years depending on the properties being analysed. It is crucial that the hardware overseeing these tests are robust and remain uninterrupted by updates to the operating system or other software during test runs.
What is the purpose of test systems for mechanical properties?
What types of test systems for mechanical properties are there?
Which industries use test systems for mechanical testing?
What instruments are needed for test systems for mechanical properties?
Why should measurements of mechanical properties be performed automatically?
Contact Us About Test Systems for Mechanical Properties
Feel free to reach out if you want to enhance your workflow with our testing services. Our team of expert engineers is dedicated to collaborating with you to craft a mechanical test system perfectly tailored to your unique requirements. From initial concept to final handover, including training and ongoing support, we are here every step of the way.